Food for Thought..

You are constructing your own reality with the choices you make...or don't make. If you really want a healthy pregnancy and joyful birth, and you truly understand that you are the one in control, then you must examine what you have or haven't done so far to create the outcome you want.
-Kim Wildner-Mother's Intention: How Belief Shapes Birth

Thursday, May 5, 2011

peaceful parenting: Inspirational Jealousy

peaceful parenting: Inspirational Jealousy: "By Katherine Henderson © 2011

The above link takes you to a wonderful site, Peaceful Parenting. She has guest writers come in and submit their stories, this is one of them. I've been on both sides. A hospital birth, that was all but enjoyable. And a home birth, where words cannot fully express the pure ecstasy and explosion of emotions that came from that amazing experience!
As a doula I've had these conversations with clients. The 3 years between my kids births offered me plenty of time to educate myself on what I truly wanted. I had the honor of attending many births between my own and seeing these women call upon their own power to birth their babies the way they wanted! Oh what joy it brought me, but a small part of me still jealous that I had yet to have the dream birth.. Where I can say I did it, feel empowered by my own body! As I'd seen so many women do. THAT is what I got. 7weeks ago I gave birth to my son. Inspired by the amazing work. It truly is "Inspirational Jealousy" (Just the good kind;)

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